Friday, August 13, 2010

This is Me, Today

This is Me. This is Clayton Lee. This is my attempt at reinserting myself into the routine of blogging. I once was fully enveloped in it, and every thought that flew through my mind was processed with the intent of later writing it in a very clever and witty manner in my blog. My blog used to be on Myspace, when it was alive; before facebook took over which agreeably is better, but doesn't have an effective "blog" or "music player" system.

This is me, contemplating whether or not I should erase the entire previous paragraph. An internal battle I'm sure every writer goes through. I'll leave it. This is my attempt at actually keeping up with a daily journal. While most journals are kept private and intimate, I'd rather write mine where others can see it.

This is me, at 21, with a world full of excitement and opportunity laid before me. I figured now would be an appropriate time to begin keeping up with all of the fun things that I've gotten in to, and will be getting in to. This is my attempt at remembering. I guess if it really meant that much to me I would keep these words in a tangible notebook, kept under my watchful eye and protection, so that nothing could ever happen to them, rendering my documented thoughts completely gone and thus, nonexistent.

This is me throwing all grammar rules out the window. Especially the proper use of commas.

So far in this one year of my life, starting in January, I've been to more places (foreign places, different places, out of state places) than I have in my entire other 20 years.

This is me, full of constant pure excitement. I'm a musician with a true passion for music. I'm living life as though I were born yesterday. Always learning, always with a beginner's mindset. Maybe this sounds like a bad thing..? I'm not sure. I love this about me.

This is me writing to nobody. I don't know who is going to read this, and that's okay. Even if nobody does, I will probably pretend that you are.

If I had to sum up my thoughts at this exact moment in time, they would be these three sentences:

I am young and full of love and the passion to live life. I am ready for anything. I love great friends, sweet girls, and everything about music.

This is Me, today.